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OBS now available on Steam

OBS now available on Steam

As you may have heard, OBS is now available on Steam. As it's open source, it's completely free too.


OBS, or Open Broadcaster Software, is an open source software for video recording and live streaming. It is a very handy tool for streamers and vloggers, and now it's even easier to use as you can find it right there win your Steam library right beside all the games you want to broadcast and play to your audience. It will function exactly like the standalone version and even has automatic update to save you the hassle. Convenient and with OBS being a very reliable piece of software, the chances of it going offline to be updated is reasonably remote.


The Steam version will carry over all your previous settings if you already have the standalone version installed on your PC, but this version won't have cloud saves, confirmed by a developer in a recent FAQ, stating they are working on better ways to export and import OBS data.


Previous users will be pleased to hear the Steam version functions exactly like the version you're already used to. Plugins are still installed the same way. Since Steam doesn't  have a limitation on how many games it can run concurrently, you can start OBS up alongside the game you want to capture just like you would any other application on Steam.


This is another great way even more people can access streaming and creating their own audience. Do you use OBS? Are you planning to use it in the future? Let us know in the comments your experiences with it or if having it on Steam is the reason to start your streaming career.

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