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An important update about our email system

An important update about our email system

We’ve discovered a glitch in the matrix. No, it didn’t involve any black cats.


It has come to our attention that we may not have been receiving any of your emails if was a reply to us. This could have potentially affected:


All emails gone out
All emails
All emails
All emails


If you’ve sent an email to us in the last few weeks to these email addresses, we may not have received it, and of course, this is as frustrating to us to hear as I’m sure it is to you. As soon as we identified the problem, we were able to remove the issue occurring and are working towards a more permanent solution. If there is an issue that needs our attention, please let us know, and we can work on getting it fixed. Again, we apologise for emails not being received, but the issue is for now, under control.


An important update about our email system


In the meantime...

In the meantime, did you know Black Friday - and its lesser-known sister, Cyber Monday - is almost upon us? We love this time of year to get a good bargain, and I’m sure you do too. Who doesn’t like a good bargain? Bargains are everywhere this time of year, and it’s important to get some early ones in because otherwise it turns into the torrents of people waiting to flood shops.


Luckily, we operate entirely online so that doesn’t happen with us, but what does happen is things selling out fast. We are like magpies sometimes, and we want the shiny thing we see, but there are lots of other magpies that have spied your shiny thing too, and it’s first come, first served in this market. We do have lots of bargains and deals, but not forever. Deals will be happening all throughout this month, but they will change as Black Friday changes to Cyber Monday, and then to Christmas.


An important update about our email system

Oh yes, we're going full in with all the early bird puns. Caw blimey!


What I’m saying is: don’t delay or you might miss it. Sign up to our newsletter to be amongst the first to know.

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