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IT support services for businesses

IT support services for businesses

If you are the owner of a company, then you know that the majority of business now happens online. Anything from invoices to transactions now happen over an internet connection, and because of this, it’s important to be aware of the many different support services available to you, and which ones would benefit you and your business. 

Microsoft Software Support

Microsoft is almost a necessity for any business. Anything from their email service Outlook to Microsoft Teams: a game changer for many businesses during the pandemic when many had to work from home. Microsoft has made communication easier than ever, but also, it’s a huge system of software applications where many things can potentially go wrong, which can snowball into problems between either you and your employees or you and your customers. If you use Teams, it’s important to either have a dedicated IT support person or team to ensure Teams remains working, or to hire a third party of managed IT support which can often fix any problems with Microsoft applications remotely. 

 IT support services for businesses

Managed Support 

The previous point leads into what kind of support you feel is best for your business. One option is managed support, where a third party is appointed to fix or maintain IT issues, installing equipment or monitoring networks. A managed support programme is designed to meet all of your IT service needs. These programmes are very often customisable, meaning you can choose what services you require, and can be tailored to your business. Some examples of these services a managed support service may provide would be: 

  • Laptop and PC upgrades 
  • Hardware repairs 
  • Data backup and recovery 
  • Consultation 
  • Remote support 

Whether you need just one of these services or all of them, a reputable company that offers managed support will be able to offer advice and support pre-sale and ensure you are aware of what support is a part of your package. 


Cloud Services 

Remote working has made cloud services even more important, with workers needing to access files that they might not have immediate or physical access too. Cloud services offer a solution to this problem, storing data in the cloud and making it accessible to workers all over the world. 


With so much of business now existing purely in digital form, having a reliable and secure cloud service that can only be accessible to the appropriate people is imperative. If your business requires cloud services, investing in an IT support company that can assist with your cloud requirements could be vital for your business. Cloud services could involve managing subscriptions, providing web domains or an email service for you, or acting as a middleman between you and a direct supplier in the case of any disruptions or problems. 


Backup and Recovery/Data Destruction 

An IT support service specialising in backup and recovery can be vital if your equipment becomes damaged or corrupted and your data seems lost in the process. This service can be offered either on a case-by-case basis or as a part of a subscription package, which covers all incidents of lost data. Backup services can be done either off-site or on-site and can ensure your system results in zero downtime with an issue arises. 


Conversely, if you need sensitive data destroying, an IT support service can safely destroy equipment, ensuring that no data is ever compromised or recovered by a foreign party. 


Cyber Security 

Cyber security is critical for any business. Anyone using an online service is potentially vulnerable to cyber-attacks such as ransomware – where your data is held ransom until an demand is met, or malware, where a malicious piece of software is installed unintentionally on a device and can steal your data or brick your software. 


Cyber security is an essential investment and is considered an obligation to anyone using the internet for their business. A reputable provider of cyber security can either provide cyber security software that is managed by you, or a managed package where the IT service provider will manage your devices for you, ensuring peace of mind 


Hardware and Software Procurement 

Some IT services can source and procure hardware for your and your business, using their knowledge of the industry, they can provide and source the equipment that you need, or provide upgrades for old machines and laptops. 


Bespoke Equipment 

For more specialised positions such as designer or production, you may need a PC system that is tailored specifically for the job. Whether that is a CPU that is able to handle heavy rendering or one that is designed for design, an IT support service can aid with building a PC from the ground up specifically catered for your needs. 


Whether you’re looking for a service to protect your cloud data, or you need a bespoke PC building, ensure you choose an IT support company that will be best suited to what you require from them. Check out what services we can offer to you and to your business here -

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