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Keeping cool: Preventing your PC overheating in the summer

Keeping cool: Preventing your PC overheating in the summer

Sun cream on, pool out. You're sorted, right?


But what about your PC?


Technology can be at risk of being damaged in extreme heat, and just like us, extra steps may need to be taken to prevent overheating, which can permanently damage parts of your hardware. So we've collated some tips and advice here to help you keep your cool this summer and protect your PC.


Keeping cool: Preventing your PC overheating in the summer

Let's not get too carried away!


Shut the power off completely

PCs and laptops need a chance to cool down, just like us! Rather than just putting it in rest mode, turn it off entirely when it's not in use and give the components inside a chance to wind down rather than turning over and generating heat to add onto the already hot weather.


Locate the battery or PSU (Power Supply Unit) and make sure it's not getting too hot

It's always a good idea to keep an eye (or a hand) on your battery or PSU, it's often pretty easy to tell if it's starting to overheat. Make sure you locate these vital components in your device and every now and again, hover a hand over it and check its temperature.


Take off your glass side panel (if you have one)

PCs can be like little greenhouses: a glass box where heat can enter and struggle to get out again. PCs have fans for specific components, but in general, not a lot of overall heat protection. Taking a panel off can help with the air flow and keep your components cool.


Change the settings on your fans

For those of us with individual fan settings, we have the option of ensuring the fans are spinning at a high setting when the weather starts to prickle. There is a cool video guide here for custom PC users to control their fan settings.


It's always nice to enjoy the heat, but it's always important to remember to take care of our IT equipment too!

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