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Windows Server 2019 es el sistema operativo que une los entornos locales con Azure, agregando capas adicionales de seguridad y al mismo tiempo lo ayuda a modernizar sus aplicaciones e infraestructura.
La edición Estándar está diseñada para entornos físicos o mínimamente virtualizados. En cuanto al número máximo de usuarios, se basa en las CAL o requisitos de licencia de acceso de cliente. En términos generales, la edición Standard ofrece la funcionalidad principal de Windows Server (incluida, entre otras, la funcionalidad de Windows Server Essentials 2019).
La edición Estándar permite operaciones híbridas en el entorno Azure. Puede inventariar y migrar datos, así como configuraciones de seguridad y otras configuraciones, desde sistemas heredados a Windows Server 2019 y/o la nube de Azure. La funcionalidad de la edición Estándar le permite centralizar los archivos compartidos de su empresa sincronizando los servidores de archivos con Azure. Con eso, se preservan la flexibilidad y el rendimiento de un servidor de archivos local. Además, las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en su red local pueden utilizar una variedad de innovaciones en la nube, como la Inteligencia Artificial o el Internet de las Cosas.
Cuando se trata de virtualización, Windows Server 2019 Standard incluye permiso para dos OSE (entornos de sistema operativo) o VM por licencia, más un host Hyper-V. Si necesita más máquinas virtuales en su infraestructura, deberá adquirir licencias adicionales.
Brand New – This product is Brand New and in it’s original
New - Open Box - This product is unused but the box has been opened.
New – No Box – This product is unused but doesn’t come with
the original box/packaging.
Refurbished – This product has been refurbished by ourselves
or by the manufacturer.
Excellent Used – This item is used, tested and fully working
but in like new condition. It may come with it’s original packaging or not,
please check the product description.
Good Used – This item is used, tested and fully working but
will show signs of cosmetic wear and tear. It may come with it’s original packaging
or not, please check the product description.
Parts – This item is sold just for parts, meaning it is
unworking or unable to serve it’s purpose. It may come with it’s original packaging
or not, please check the product description.
Brand New Products: All our Brand New products come with Manufaturer warranty. These can vary in length and it's important to check with the manufaturer of the product what warranty they provide and what is covered.
Used Products: All our used products come with 1 years warranty provided by us and some products may have manufaturer warranty.
Refurbished Products: With our refurbished products, we offer a free 3-month warranty which covers all software and hardware issues, that have not been influenced by the customer. There is also Manufactured Refurbished products which they will specify how long their warranty is.
Custom Gaming PCs: All our Custom PCs by default come with 3 years warranty. This includes parts and labour. You can also upgrade to 5 years warranty. Our warranty includes all hardware issues relating to the machine. If there is any faults, we will attempt to solve this remotely and if needed get the PC collected and back to base for repair.
Read more - Warranty Information
For extra information please see the manufaturers website
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