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IT Equipment Leasing & Finance

Our IT equipment leasing solutions provided by GRENKE are designed to improve cash flow instantly. We provide state-of-the-art hardware from leading brands such as Apple, Dell, and HP. We provide leasing for Laptops, Desktop PCs, Monitors, Mice, Keyboards, Networking Equipment and more along with our support packages.

IT Equipment

Here at Direct Computers, we have a major focus in the IT equipment sector with extensive experience helping Customers. They range from SME’s to Large Global Companies and we are therefore passionate about helping all businesses achieve their digital transformation objectives and business goals.

However, utilising our innovative financing and leasing solutions the most essential and up to date IT equipment, means software and services becomes accessible. Whether it is the most cutting-edge laptops and computers for your workforce, or servers and data storage systems to run your network infrastructure. It is vital that you can access the right financial solutions to help your business thrive. This is where Direct Computers can be your strategic partner, advising and implementing the best financial solutions to suit your business strategy.

However, the current number one issue for many organisations is Cyber Security and fundamental to this is having the latest technology solutions both hardware and software. We know replacing old or out of date equipment/systems can be extremely costly. However, it is imperative to ensure your IT infrastructure is up to date, safe and secure, Leasing/Financing eliminates any financial restraints and gives total flexibility for not only now but also future requirements.

Finding the capex to replace a whole host of computers/servers/storage/updating software is therefore no small expense. Using Direct Computers and our financial partner GRENKE you can upgrade the equipment not only at the end of your lease term however also during your agreement, and is therefore usually very tax efficient.

What Are The Main Benefits Of IT Equipment Leasing?

You may be a business that needs new hardware for getting things off the ground in a new office or are in need of updated software in order to offer a new range of services. Perhaps you are an established business who have had the same outdated computers for far too long, and you are in need of upgrading your technology. Whatever the reason, there are many benefits to leasing computer equipment:

  • Help your cash flow – technology leasing can allow you to acquire what you need quickly, without majorly affecting cash reserves. You might be putting on a new class, for example, and need the new equipment as soon as possible.
  • Afford top-of-range computing equipment – by leasing IT equipment, you can upgrade to ensure you have the best hardware and software at all times.
  • Pay as you use leased equipment – spread the cost of your computing lease through its working life – e.g. three to five years.
  • Finance lease rental payments for your IT equipment can be 100% tax deductible against profits.
  • Leasing can help you plan your budgets for the year.
  • Other credit lines are not affected by leasing IT equipment.

What IT Equipment Can Be Financed?

There are many leasing options available depending on the amount of technology equipment you need. Whatever you need, we will ensure a high level of service to get the funding to you as quickly as possible, whether you are an established business or a new one.

We can provide finance for IT equipment, including:

  • Hardware
  • Software and licenses
  • Desktops and computers
  • Laptops
  • Servers
  • Monitors
  • Hosted systems
  • Cloud based VoIP
  • Mobile devices and tablets
  • Printers and printing equipment
  • Our installation services

What Is The Process For Getting Leasing?

  1. Identify the costs of your IT equipment from your supplier/suppliers
  2. Get a no-obligation quote from GRENKE and a credit decision within a few hours via us.
  3. Documents are sent for you to complete via e-signatory.
  4. Once you’ve signed your GRENKE ‘lease’ and ‘delivery confirmation certificate’ this will be sent to GRENKE who will process your contract paperwork within 24 hours.
  5. Your agreement is made live and you pay affordably by direct debit quarterly or monthly as you use the equipment.

Although this process gives a general understanding, with GRENKE, the journey is tailored around your needs and made very simple. If you require additional information at any time they will be more than happy to help.

Contact us with your procurement needs using the below form and we will work with you to provide a quote and leasing terms that best suit your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a lease?

In simple terms, a lease allows a business to spread the cost of acquiring a piece of equipment over a chosen period and removes the need to pay for it all upfront.

Who is leasing for?

A lease can be for almost any business and is an incredibly effective way of allowing a business to hold on to its cash while investing in business equipment for the future.

Over the last 40 years, GRENKE has provided leasing to numerous styles of businesses and organisations; Sole Traders, Associations, Industrial Providents, NHS Trusts, Local Education Authorities, Local Government, Partnerships, Limited Companies and PLC’s.

What kind of equipment can i lease with GRENKE?

GRENKE operates independently of Equipment Manufacturers and Equipment Resellers and combined with our unique approach to underwriting it allows us to consider a very broad range of equipment (including but not limited to):IT Hardware– Software –Copiers–Printers– Telecoms - Medical Equipment -Coffee Machines-Vending Machines- Vehicle Telemetry - Commercial Catering Equipment - White Goods, EPOS - and much, much more. It may be possible to lease other items – simply talk to us.

How can I apply for a lease?

Contact us directly and we can get this setup for you.

is VAT charged on my contract?

We are legally obliged to charge VAT on our contracts at the prevailing rate(s) through the life of the contract.

When does my contract begin?

Once you’ve signed your GRENKE ‘lease’ and ‘delivery confirmation certificate’ this will be sent to GRENKE who will process your contract paperwork within 24 hours.

When are my lease payments taken?

If you’ve chosen to pay GRENKE on a ‘Quarterly’ repayment profile, ie every 3 months, your lease payments will be collected on the 1st of January, April, July and October.

If you’ve decided on a ‘Monthly’ repayment profile your lease payments will be collected on the 1st of every month. Most of our customers select the ‘Quarterly’ option as it reduces considerably the amount of administration and reconciliation.

What about insuring the equipment?

As GRENKE are the legal owners of the equipment, we have to insure the equipment and we will charge you a small fee for this on an annual basis.

At what point do I own the equipment?

With our leasing product, you are paying for the use of the equipment not the ownership.

Can I terminate my leasing contact before the end of the term?

Yes you can. All we ask is that any monies outstanding on your contract at the time you wish to terminate are paid in full.

Is it possible for me to view and manage my contracts?

The GRENKE customer portal allows you to manage all your contracts simply and securely online. Moreover, it gives you access to digital invoices that meet all statutory requirements, e.g. for VAT returns.

Is it possible for me to have the invoices sent direct via email?

Yes, GRENKE customers have access to the customer portal where you can select to receive your invoices via email.

Call us on 0114 296 0035 or email